Who are Foster Parents?
Foster parents are individuals or couples aged 21 or older. They come from all walks of life, various income levels and careers, different educational background, and are diverse in many ways. All share a desire to have a positive impact on the life of a child.
Become a Foster Parent
For more information about becoming a foster parent, call (812) 282-8479 or contact [email protected]
If you’re an adult who wants to make a difference in a youth’s life, please fill out the form below– we want to talk with you! Family Ark is looking for foster parents to help teens, children, and sibling groups who have experienced abuse, neglect or other trauma.
Steps to Become a Licensed Foster Parent
Complete the ‘Get Started’ form below
Someone from Family Ark will contact you
Attend an Info Session (optional but encouraged)
Complete your Foster Parent Documentation, Training, & Certification

Resources for Current Foster Parents
Independent Living Log
Mileage Reimbursement Form
Medical Forms
Dental Exam Form
Medical Form
Medication Administration Record MAR
Optical Form
Physical Form
Psychotropic Medication Form
Our Goals
- We work together in partnership with our children, referral sources, parents, foster parents, and other community providers to promote positive change in the lives of children and families.
- Whenever possible, we will seek to keep the child in the home of his/her biological family while working toward overall improvement within the family system.
- When it is necessary to remove a child from the parents’ home we will attempt to keep the child in the family’s geographical area to facilitate contact and seek reunification as quickly as therapeutically possible.
- We will strive to keep admission to our program easy, uncomplicated and at a reasonable cost.
- We will continue to assess the changing needs of the community and expand our programming as necessary.
- We will remain aware of the profound effect removal from the family can have on a child and let this awareness influence our actions on behalf of the child.
“As long as I can remember, I have always wanted to make a difference in children’s lives. I know we make an impact on each child, but the true impact is on our lives. Just like your own children, they will drive you nuts, make you smile, raise your blood pressure, and melt your heart….sometimes all in the same day. Fostering for us is an extended family commitment. Everyone is involved: aunts, uncles, grandparents, and our children. Each new child is another opportunity to extend our family circle.”
– Tabitha, Foster Parent

Family Ark
101 Noah’s Lane
Jeffersonville, IN 47130
Phone: (812) 288-6800
Fax: (812) 282-4316
Behavioral Health Center Phone:
(812) 284-1760

All services are provided without regard to race, age, color, religion, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, disability, national origin, ancestry, or status as a veteran.