10583045_981052668571563_8487725430004436263_oFamily Ark is pleased to announce the 3rd Annual Giving Hope to Families fundraiser on Thursday, April 16th from 6:00-9:00 pm. Lead sponsors are Laughlin Millea Hillman and The Hazel and Walter T. Bales Foundation.

Our event promises great food from Stumler’s Catering, wonderful music by local musician, Todd Hildreth, and exciting live and silent auction items! During the event, we will be announcing the 2015 Champion for Families award winner. Helping to facilitate the festivities, Angie Fenton from WHAS11 “Great Day Live!” and “Extol Magazine” is returning as our Emcee for the evening!

This event is a great way to show your support for Southern Indiana’s children and families in need.


To make your reservation, call (812) 288-6800 x207 or email to [email protected]. To purchase tickets online at https://thefamilyark.org/online-giving/. Individual reservations are $50 each with table sponsorships still available.